One Mind PsyberGuide
Updated: Oct 8, 2020
One Mind PsyberGuide provides unbiased recommendations to consumers seeking to make informed decisions about computer and device-assisted therapies for mental illnesses. The program’s resources are also intended for professionals and researchers seeking to enhance their knowledge in this area.
By utilizing a 3-pronged rating system that includes a ‘Credibility Score’ that represents the strength of the scientific research support for the app itself and the therapeutic interventions the app provides, a ‘Mobile App Rating Scale’ (MARS) to assess the design, accessibility of information, and overall experience that the app provides, and a ‘Transparency Score’ that represents the clarity of an app’s privacy policy in detailing the data storage and collection procedures of a mobile health product and its associated servers, One Mind PsyberGuide is able to provide unbiased recommendations that are free of any preference or endorsements.