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My School Psychology: A Site for School Psychologists and Special Education Professionals

Updated: Oct 8, 2020

My School Psychology is an amazing resource site for school psychologists and special education professionals with free access to information about special education law, disabilities, tests, and more.

Below are topics covered in their resources page.

  • State School Psychology Associations

  • NASP Approved Graduate School Programs


  • Anxiety Disorders

  • Apps for Android and Ipod/Ipad

  • Assessment

  • Assessment:  Why in standardized testing is the total score often more extreme than the sum of its parts?

  • Assessment Ethics

  • Assessment:  Third Party Observers

  • Assistants – One to One

  • Assistive Technology

  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

  • Autism, Asperger’s Syndrome, and PDD 

  • Autism Alternative Interventions — Floortime and Son-Rise

  • Autoimmune Diseases

  • Blindness and Visual Impairment/Deaf Blind

  • Bullying – Resources for Schools

  • State Listing

  • Canadian Links

  • Cattell-Horn-Carroll Theory and Applications

  • Conduct and Oppositional Defiant Disorders

  • NIH article on Predictors of Social Maladjustment in Boys Symptoms of Conduct Disorder, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, and Callous-Unemotional Traits as Unique Predictors of Psychosocial Maladjustment in Boys: Advancing an Evidence Base for DSM-5.Confidentiality

  • Curriculum-Based Assessment (CBA), Curriculum-Based Measurement (CBM), Response to Intervention (RTI), Problem-Solving Model (PSM) 

  • Deafness and Hearing Loss

  • Discipline

  • Eating Disorders

  • Willi Prader Syndrome

  • Emotional Disabilities

  • English Language Learning (ESL, ELL, ESOL, LEP) 

  • Ethics

  • Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

  • Functional Behavioral Assessments and Positive Behavior Supports

  • General Education

  • Gifted

  • History

  • Homework Help and Other Materials for Students (and evaluators)

  • Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

  • Down Syndrome

  • Law and Government

  • Medical Information

  • Memory Assessments

  • Mood Disorders

  • Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)

  • Muscular Dystrophy

  • Office for Civil Rights


  • Orthopedic Impairments

  • Other Health Impairments

  • Parent, Advocacy, Resource, and Support Groups

  • Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (Last updated 10/3/2018)

  • Primary Service Provider  Model

  • Psychology and Psychiatry Organizations

  • Publishers and Book Sellers

  • Reading

  • Retention

  • Safety — School Resources

  • Safety at Home

  • Gun Safety at Home  (2/25/2019)

  • Sample Parent Letters (for parents)

  • Redshirting

  • Light’s Retention Scale

  • Stuttering  (Added 1/30/2018)

  • Suicide Prevention

  • Testing and Journal Data Bases

  • Tourette Syndrome

  • Transition: School-to-Work (STW) or to Higher Education

  • Trauma, Dealing With

  • Traumatic Brain Injury

  • Veracity Verifiers


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