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California Deafblind Services

Updated: Oct 18, 2020

California Deafblind Services provides fact sheets, which are concise and practical reference guides. These fact sheets are available in Spanish, Chinese, Lao, and Vietnamese. Below are topics covered in their fact sheets.

  • 01 - Communication: What are they trying to tell me?

  • 02 - Light Sensitivity

  • 03 - Touch Cues

  • 04 - Object Communication

  • 05 - Tadoma

  • 06 - Ideas for Recreation and Leisure Activities

  • 07-  Intentionally left blank

  • 08 - How to Interact with Individuals with Dual Sensory Impairment

  • 09 - Teaching Body Language

  • 10 - Developing Independence

  • 11 - Appropriate Touch

  • 12 - Tolerating Touch

  • 13 - Encouraging Exploration

  • 14 - Making Changes in Routines

  • 15 - Relaxation Strategies

  • 16 - Deaf-Blindness

  • 17 - Innovative Living Options

  • 18 - Alphabet Soup

  • 19 - Creating a Need to Communicate

  • 20 - Strategies for Successful Medical/Dental Appointments for Individuals who are Deaf-Blind

  • 21 - Supported Education

  • 22 - Intentionally left blank

  • 23 - Visual Adaptations

  • 24 - Otitis Media

  • 25 - How to Create a Communication Dictionary

  • 26 - Considerations When Assessing Children & Youth of Spanish Speaking Families

  • 27 - How to Create a Winning Video Resume

  • 28 - Maintaining a Home-School Relationship

  • 29 - The Use of Interveners

  • 30 - Strategies for Using Voice Output Communication Devices with Children who are Deaf-Blind

  • 31 - Strategies for Minimizing the Risk of Sexual Abuse

  • 32 - Brothers and Sisters: Supporting Siblings of Children who are Deaf-Blind

  • 33 - Etiologies of Deaf-Blindness

  • 34 - Utilizing the Sense of Smell in Children and Youth with Deaf-Blindness

  • 35 - Suggestions for Creating Successful Transitions from School to Adulthood

  • 36 - Successful Transitions Between Programs

  • 37 - Tips for Improving the Accuracy of Signed Communication

  • 38 - Things to Remember When Requesting an Intervener for Your Child

  • 39 - Strategies for Creating Communication-Rich Environments for Children who are Deaf-Blind

  • 40 - Tips for Choosing Conceptually Accurate Signs

  • 41 - A Self-Evaluation Guide for Assessing the Quality of Your Interactions with a Student who is Deaf-Blind

  • 42 - The Intervener's Motto:  Do With, Not For

  • 43 - Choosing and Using Tactile Name Cues

  • 44 - Integrating Your Child Into Groups

  • 45 - 10 Easy Steps for Making and Posting a Custom Signed-Communication Instructional Video

  • 46 - Soundfield Amplification Systems

  • 47 - Planning Family Outings

  • 48 - Promoting Interactions with Siblings and Peers


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