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Active Minds

Active Minds was founded by Alison Malmon when she was a junior at the University of Pennsylvania following the suicide of her older brother, and only sibling, Brian. Active Minds has since become the premier organization impacting young adults and mental health. Now on more than 800 campuses, they directly reach close to 600,000 students each year through campus awareness campaigns, events, advocacy, outreach, and more. Their consistent message, amplified by nearly 16,000 young adults each year, is that mental health needs to be talked about as easily as physical health. Only then can we bring suicide and mental health into the open so no one struggles alone.

Active Minds has mental health resources for students, young adults, schools, parents, communities, and remote workers.

Active Minds logo: simple outline of a person in the place of the letter i, and 6 circles in an arc with the middle circles overlapping
Active Minds


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